How to use AI to create a lesson from a single image

A black crow with striking white eyes perched on a wooden railing, set against a blurred background of houses and dry grass in an open field.

(I haven’t modified what the AI spit out. In the real world, you’d use your God-given critical thinking and teaching experience to modify it to your liking before unleashing onto your students. I don’t condone or advocate for teaching unevaluated AI slop to students.)

(P.S. My partner Terrie took this photo on our balcony today. Every morning she feeds a family of crows.)

Look at the Bird! Let’s Describe a Photo! (鳥を見てみよう!写真を描写してみよう!) [A2 Level]

Hello everyone! In this lesson, we are going to look at a photo of a bird. We will learn some new words to describe it and practice making sentences in English. Let’s have fun!


A close-up of a black crow perched on a rail, with residential buildings and a brown field in the background under a cloudy sky.

Vocabulary (単語)

Let’s learn some words to help us describe the photo.

English WordJapanese TranslationPicture (Imagine or Draw)Example Sentence
bird鳥 (tori)🐦This is a bird.
crowカラス (karasu)🦅It is a crow.
black黒い (kuroi)The crow is black.
beakくちばし (kuchibashi)👃The crow has a beak.
eye目 (me)👀I see the crow’s eye.
leg足 (ashi)🦵The crow has legs.
town町 (machi)🏘️The town is behind the crow.
house家 (ie)🏠I see houses in the town.

(Pronunciation Point): Listen carefully to the word “bird”. The ‘r’ sound is a little different from the Japanese ‘r’ sound. Try to say it like this: /bɜːrd/ (バー(r)ド). Put your tongue a little back in your mouth.

Describing the Photo (写真の描写)

Look at the photo again. Let’s read some sentences about it.

This is a photo of a bird.
The bird is a crow.
The crow is black.
It has a beak and two eyes.
It is standing on a wooden fence.
Behind the crow, there is a town.
I can see houses in the town.
The sky is grey.

Grammar Point: Present Continuous – “is standing” (文法:現在進行形 – 「立っている」)

We use the Present Continuous tense to talk about actions happening now. In the photo, the crow is doing something now. It is standing on the fence.

Structure (構造):

Subject (主語)+is/are/am+Verb + -ing (動詞 + -ing)
The crowisstand + ingstanding
Iamlearn + inglearning
Youarelook + inglooking
Wearedescribe + ingdescribing
Theyaretalk + ingtalking

Example Sentences (例文):

  • The crow is standing on the fence. (カラスは柵の上に立っています。)
  • I am learning English. (私は英語を学んでいます。)
  • You are looking at the photo. (あなたは写真を見ています。)
  • We are describing the bird. (私たちは鳥を描写しています。)
  • They are talking about the town. (彼らは町について話しています。)

Practice (練習): Fill in the blanks with “is standing”, “am learning”, “are looking”, “are describing”, or “are talking”.

  1. I _ English now.
  2. The bird _ on the fence.
  3. We _ about the photo in class.
  4. You _ at the new words.
  5. They _ about birds.

(Answer Key: 1. am learning, 2. is standing, 3. are describing, 4. are looking, 5. are talking)

Activities (アクティビティ)

Activity 1: Match the Words and Pictures (単語と絵をマッチングしましょう) (10 minutes)

Match the English words to their Japanese translations. You can draw a line or write the number and letter.

  1. bird __ a. 黒い (kuroi)
  2. black __ b. カラス (karasu)
  3. crow __ c. 家 (ie)
  4. house __ d. 鳥 (tori)

(Answer Key: 1-d, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c)

Activity 2: Fill in the Blanks (空欄を埋めましょう) (10 minutes)

Read the sentences and fill in the missing words from the vocabulary box.

Vocabulary Box: black, bird, beak, town, house

  1. This is a photo of a __.
  2. The is .
  3. It has a __.
  4. There is a __ behind the bird.
  5. I can see a __ in the town.

(Answer Key: 1. bird, 2. bird/crow, 3. beak, 4. town, 5. house)

Activity 3: True or False? (正しいですか、間違いですか?) (10 minutes)

Read the sentences about the photo. Are they true (○) or false (×)? Write ○ or ×.

  1. The bird is white. ( )
  2. The bird is a crow. ( )
  3. The crow has a long nose. ( )
  4. There are trees behind the crow. ( )
  5. The sky is blue. ( )

(Answer Key: 1. ×, 2. ○, 3. ×, 4. ×, 5. ×)

Production Task: Draw and Describe Your Bird! (鳥を描いて、描写しましょう!) (15 minutes)

  1. Draw a bird! It can be any bird you like. Maybe a bird from your garden, or a bird you know from a book.
  2. Write 2-3 sentences to describe your bird. Use the words we learned today. You can use these sentence starters:
    • This is a picture of a __.
    • My bird is __. (color)
    • It has a __. (beak, eyes, legs)


[Imagine a student draws a yellow bird]

This is a picture of a bird. My bird is yellow. It has a beak.

Listening Activity: Listen and Write! (聞いて書きましょう!) (10 minutes)

[INSTRUCTOR: Record yourself saying these sentences slowly and clearly. You can say each sentence twice.]

Sentences to Record:

  1. It is a black bird.
  2. The bird is standing.
  3. I see houses.
  4. The crow has a beak.

[Learners listen and write the sentences they hear.]

(Answer Key for Listening):

  1. It is a black bird.
  2. The bird is standing.
  3. I see houses.
  4. The crow has a beak.

Additional Resources (追加のリソース)

  • Picture Dictionary: Make your own picture dictionary with the new words. Draw pictures for each word!
  • Online Games: Search online for “bird vocabulary games” to practice the new words in a fun way.
  • Real Birds: Try to find birds outside! Can you describe them in English?

Great job today! You learned many new words and practiced describing a photo in English. Keep practicing! See you next time!

Supplementary Activity Recommendations:

  1. TPR (Total Physical Response) for Vocabulary: For younger A2 learners, use TPR. For example, say “beak” and have students point to their nose like a beak. “Legs” – point to legs. “Bird” – flap arms like wings.
  2. Simple Role-Play: One student is a photographer showing the photo, the other student asks simple questions like “What is this?”, “What color is it?”. The photographer answers using simple sentences.
  3. H5P Interactive Flashcards: Create H5P flashcards with the vocabulary words and pictures to help students review and memorize them. This can be embedded in the blog post or used as homework.

Differentiation Strategies:

  • For struggling learners: Provide sentence frames for all activities. For example, in Activity 2, provide the first letter of each missing word. In Activity 3, do the first one or two questions together as a class.
  • For faster learners: Ask them to write more sentences about the photo or their own bird. They can also try to use adjectives to describe the nouns (e.g., “big black crow”, “small town”). They can also research more about crows and share interesting facts in English.
  • Visual Learners: Use more pictures and diagrams in the lesson. Encourage drawing and labeling.
  • Kinesthetic Learners: Incorporate movement activities like TPR or having students physically arrange word cards to make sentences.

Assessment Notes:

  • Pre-assessment: Before starting, ask students “What animals do you know in English?”. This can gauge their existing vocabulary.
  • Process-assessment: Observe students during activities. Check if they are understanding the vocabulary and grammar. Give immediate feedback and support.
  • Post-assessment: The Production Task acts as a post-assessment. Check if students can use the target vocabulary and present continuous in their sentences. Use a simple rubric:
    • Uses 2-3 sentences: Yes / Needs Improvement
    • Uses vocabulary from the lesson: Yes / Needs Improvement
    • Sentences are understandable: Yes / Needs Improvement


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