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Psychology of Language Learning
Dr. Sarah Mercer, a leading expert in language learning psychology, shares insights on the role of psychology in language learning.
Professional Advice for ADHD Traits in Women
Constructive guidance for common ADHD traits in women.
Prompt Engineering best practices
Learn from a system prompt that exemplifies best practices in AI instruction.
What does it mean to have a film production company?
How does that work?
Charging for EN, JP, NO Subtitles
TL;DR: Professional rates would typically range from $18,600-$22,920 for agency-level service, while competitive freelance rates might range from $14,000-$16,000 with AI assistance.
UFO Hotspots in Japan: A Comprehensive Analysis of Aerial Phenomena and Cultural Significance
Japan’s UFO hotspots defy monocausal explanations, existing instead at the confluence of historical trauma, community ingenuity, and genuine aerial mysteries.
Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)
What is the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students (EJU)? What do I need to know to receive a perfect score? What do I need to know and be able to do simply to receive a passing grade? What’s the best way to study for it?
Comparing JLPT and CEFR: Two Approaches to Language Proficiency Assessment
The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) represent two significant approaches to assessing language proficiency, each with distinct methodologies, structures, and applications.
10 Language Learning Do’s and Don’ts
Language acquisition isn’t about hustling harder. It’s about engaging with compelling input, staying relaxed, and trusting the subconscious process. Ditch the flashcards, find stories you love, and let your brain do the rest.
Creating Effective Learning Outcomes for EFL Classrooms
Creating clear, actionable learning outcomes is an important part of effective language instruction. When developing English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses, instructors need to be clear about what language competencies learners should develop after completing each lesson, unit, or course.
Healthier Béchamel Sauce Recipe: Creamy, Plant-Based & Just as Delicious
A healthier take on béchamel sauce, using olive oil, whole wheat flour, and plant-based milk. Decadence without the clogged arteries.
Protected: The Project: Advice from LLMs
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